1min AMRAP: Max Burpee Pull-Ups Rest 1min 2min AMRAP: 200m Row/Run/0.5km Assault Bike & Max Handstand Push-ups Rest 1min 3min AMRAP: 400m Run/Row/1km Assault Bike & Max Ring Muscle-Ups or Chest to Bar Pull-ups Rest 1min 4min AMRAP: 600m Row/Run/1.5km Assault Bike & Max Double Push-Up Burpees to a Plate Rest 1min 5min AMRAP: 800m Run & Max Chest to Bar Pull-Ups or Pull-Ups Rest 1min For Time: 1000m Run/Row or 2.5km Assault Bike 50 Ab-Mat Anchored Military Sit-Ups or GHD Sit-Ups
Our Annual Barbells For Boobs event is THIS Saturday, October 27th at 9AM! Help CFHSV repeat for the fourth year in a row as Alabama State Champions! Get registered today and start fundraising!!