21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 reps for time of: (45min cap)
Front Squats
Bar Facing Burpees
200m Kettlebell carry after each Round
Barbell Weights = 115/75 MRX 85/60
Kettlebells = 32/24kgs 80/50 MRX 24/16
U.S. Marine Corps Corporal Larry D. Harris, Jr., 25, was killed in a fire fight on July 1, 2010, while serving as Fire Team Leader, 3d Squad, 81 Millimeter Mortar Platoon, Weapons Company, Third Battalion, First Marines, Regimental Combat Team 7, FIRST Marine Division (Forward), I MEF (Forward) in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Harris was posthumously awarded the Silver Star for his bravery in action. Although his injuries would prove fatal, Corporal Harris ultimately saved the life of the wounded Marine.”Harris is survived by his wife, Stacia Janice Harris, and his parents, Bruce and Lora Merriweather.
FREE Nutrition Class
Saturday, November 19th @ 10AM