Row 4 x 500m or 1.2k Bike E4MOM
(score is slowest time of the 4)
Team WOD
10 Rounds For Time: (17min cap)
10 Shoulder to Overhead or Handstand Push-Ups 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55
2 Over the Bar Burpees
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
*One person works and completes a full round, one person rests and then switches.
*Athletes must slap hands to switch and start next round. Each time an individual completes a round it counts as a round for the team total of 10 (5 each)
*If a three person team 2 people will go at same time.
UnBroken/Straight Thru Challenge:
1min High Plank Hold 1 Push-up every 10sec
10 Barbell Sit-Up to Press
1min Hollow Hold
1min Low Plank Hold
10 V-Ups
MAX Handstand Hold