1 Set of Max Unbroken Pull-ups or C2B Rest 3-4 minutes 1 Set of Max Unbroken Double-Unders 3 minute AMRAP: -30 Doubles -1 Rope Climb 15′ MRX 10′ Rest 2 minutes 3 minute AMRAP: -10 Box Jumps 24/20″ MRX 20/18″ -10 Pull-Ups Rest 2 minutes 3 minute AMRAP: -Max Burpee Ring Muscle-Ups or Max Burpee C2B or Max Burpees to a 45lb plate Athletes can start with their choice of the 3min AMRAPs Core Development -30 GHD Sit-ups & 60 Butterfly ab-mat sit-ups
YOGA is canceled today.