Warm-up: Partner assisted hamstring stretch Workout: A. Deadlift 5 x 3 @20×0; Rest 2:30 B1: Barbell good morning 4 x 12-15 @2121; Rest 20 seconds B2: Russian step-ups 4 x 10 @10×0; Rest 20 seconds C: 3 x 20 GHD sit-ups; Rest 60 seconds Cool-down: 5 minute jog at conversational pace “Stories From the 2011 Affiliate Gathering”, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]“Making A Difference”, Fight Gone Bad 6 on NBC Nightly News.Reminder: If you are planning on competing in CrossFit Huntsville’s 30 day Paleo Challenge the meeting is tonight at 6:30!