“Baloo’s Bare Necessities” by DB
For Time: (20min cap)
10 Bear Complex 95/65 RX+ 135/95 MRX 75/55
100 Double Unders
8 Bear Complex 115/75 RX+ 155/105 MRX 95/65
80 Double Unders
6 Bear Complex 135/95 RX+185/125 MRX 115/75
60 Double Unders
4 Bear Complex 155/105 RX+205/135 MRX 135/95
40 Double Unders
2 Bear Complex 185/125 RX+225/155 MRX 155/105
20 Double Unders
1 Bear Complex =
1 Clean
1 Front Squat (can Squat Clean)
1 Should to Overhead (Split / Power / Thruster out Front Squat)
1 Back Squat
1 Back Rack Shoulder to Overhead (Split/Power/Thruster out Back Squats)
Core Development
2min Barbell Plank Hold
1min Hollow Hold
1min Low Plank
Good Luck to our Individual Quarterfinal Athletes who start their online competition today at CFHSV!
** Alex Ankron ** Mo Araiinejad ** Bailey Bentley ** Griffin Blake ** Adam Callis ** Sean Freeman **
** Bradley Futch ** Jake McLendon ** Christian Shirey ** Mandee Stearns ** CJ Van Kampen ** Matrice Woods**