WOD: E6MOM for 5 Test Events: 800m run for time 1000m row for time 50 back squats from floor for time bodyweight/70%BW 100 KBS for time 32/24kg or 24/16kg or 20/12kg build up to a max snatch (power or squat) ** athlete’s choice on order, but all must be completed** Score = finish time for each event and max snatch CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD:
500m Row
–REST 3:00–
400m Run
–REST 3:00
6 rounds for time of: 250m Row / 200m Run (alternate between row and run each round)
10 No Push-Up Burpees
10 Air Squats
10 Alternating Forward Lunges
Good Luck to all our CFHSV athletes competing in War of the WODs in Madison today!