Veteran’s Day -9 minute Build up to a Max Squat Snatch straight to -7 minute Build up to a Max Power Clean Three Wise Men Veterans Day Tribute “JEREMY” 4 minute AMRAP: -5 Hang Squat Snatch 135/95 RX+ 185/125 -10 Burpees Over the Barbell REST 2 minutes, and then… “BEN” 4 minute AMRAP: -10 Power Cleans 135/95 RX+ 185/125 -20 Pull-Ups REST 2 minutes, and then… “BEAU” 4 minute AMRAP: -15 Box Jump-Overs 24/20” -30 Wall Ball Shots 20/14lbs 10/9′ or 20/10 9′
The Three Wise Men Veterans Foundation was founded in 2014 by Marine Corps combat veteran Nathan Fletcher in honor of his three cousins: Jeremy Wise, Ben Wise and Beau Wise. “We stand with veterans who survived combat as they not only survive but thrive in the peace that follows. We advocate for public policy to ensure the commitment made to our veterans is honored. We raise awareness of the problems our veterans face and directly tackle the stigma associated with post traumatic stress by helping connect them with needed services. And we build alliances and partnerships with other veteran non-profits to help address the problems of employment, housing and education.” For more information and to donate, click here! CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 600m Run, rest 2 minutes 400m Run, rest 2 minutes 200m Run, rest 1 minute 8 x 100m sprint, recovery walk between efforts 200m Run, rest 2 minutes 400m Run, rest 2 minutes 600m Run