WOD: A. In 12 minutes, build up to a 3RM hang squat clean B. 5 rounds for time of: 2 shoulder to overhead 165/115 RX+ 205/140 (55 and over 125/80) 3 hang squat cleans 165/115 RX+ 205/140 (55 and over 125/80) 4 deadlifts 165/115 RX+ 205/140 (55 and over 125/80) 5 over the bar/lateral burpees 1 rope climb 15′ RX+ 20′ CFSHV Running & Endurance WOD:“Run, Forrest, RUN!” by DB 5.2 mile run for time (start at CFHSV, run to the Huntsville Cross Country Course, run Cross Country Course, and back to CFHSV) meet at CFHSV at 8am