WOD: A. EMOM x 10min: Weighted, Strict, or Strict Banded Pull-Ups or
Muscle-Ups (Bar or Ring) or Tough Ring Rows / Strength or Skill Development Athlete picks a modality and works to get around 2-5 reps each set B. MURPH Challenge Prep For Time *with or without a 20/14lb vest* Run 800m –5 Rounds of 5 Pull-Ups – 10 Push-Ups – 15 Air Squats Run 600m –4 Rounds of 5 Pull-Ups – 10 Push-Ups – 15 Air Squats Run 400m –3 Rounds of 5 Pull-Ups – 10 Push-Ups – 15 Air Squats Run 200m –2 Rounds of 5 Pull-Ups – 10 Push-Ups – 15 Air Squats
CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 1 Mile Run rest 3 minutes 4 x 400m Run Repeats, rest 1 minute between efforts rest 3 minutes 8 x 200m Run Repeats, rest 30 seconds between efforts Click here to sign up for Catered Fit! Delivered daily to CFHSV! Once you sign up, you will receive the menu via email weekly.
REMINDER: We will be hosting CFHSV’s Black Shirt Club and Green Team Skills Test this Saturday at 12PM! Sign up on MBO to reserve your spot! Come test your skills and challenge yourself in an effort to become a member!