WOD: #1. In 3 minutes row 250m and then perform max reps of shoulder to overhead 95/65 rest 3 minutes #2. In 3 minutes row 250m then perform max reps pull-ups rest 3 minutes #3. In 3 minutes row 250m then perform max reps WBS 20/14 10’/9′ rest 3 minutes #4. In 3 minutes row 250m then perform max reps should to overhead 95/65 rest 3 minutes #5. In 3 minutes row 250m then perform max reps pull-ups rest 3 minutes #6. In 3 minutes row 250m then perform max reps WBS 20/14 10’/9′ SCORE = combined total reps accumulated after rows CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD:
Decreasing Distance Speed Efforts:
1.5 mile run full out
Rest 5 min (this will be active recovery constantly walking until next effort)
-1 mile run full out
Rest 4 min (this will be active recovery constantly walking until next effort)
-1/2 mile run full out
meet at CFHSV track at 8am