WOD: A. 5 rounds for load E5MOM = 25 minutes 10 box jumps 24/20″ (55 and over 20/18″) 6 deadlifts to 5 hang power clean to 4 shoulder to overhead 10 box jumps 24/20″ (55 and over 20/18″) B. Core & Shoulder Development: 30 walking double kb overhead lunges 30 GHD sit-ups 30 double kb romaninan deadlifts 30 ft. handstand walk or 100 ft. bear crawl 30 hip extensions CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD:
“Go and Less Go”
400m Run – Pace Setter
rest, then:
3:00 Running, 1:00 Jogging
3:00 Running, 1:00 Jogging
2:00 Running, 1:00 Jogging
2:00 Running, 1:00 Jogging
1:00 Running, 1:00 Jogging
1:00 Running, 1:00 Jogging
REMINDER: Our regular Sunday classes are canceled tomorrow in observance of Easter. We will be hosting the Open at 3pm on Sunday and 1pm today!