A. 1min Max Single-Unders – Rest 2min 1min Max Double-Unders – Rest 2min 1min Max Barbell Thrusters 45/35 B. Thruster Build Up – E2MOM 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 C. Main Site WOD For time: 10 Thrusters 135/95 RX+ 155/105 (MRX 115/75) 50 Double-Unders 8 Thrusters 40 Double-Unders 6 Thrusters 30 Double-Unders 4 Thrusters 20 Double-Unders 2 Thrusters 10 Double-Unders D. Core Development 1min L-Sit Hang 35 Hip Extensions 20 Strict Toes-to-Bar 35 GHD Sit-Ups
CFHSV Running and Endurance Row 2k — OR — Bike 5k Every minute starting with minute 2… …get off and perform 3 Burpees until you reach 2k or 5k The CrossFit Games OPEN kicks off this weekend at CrossFit Huntsville! We will be hosting the Open today at 1PM! We WILL have childcare starting at 1230PM. Please note that the gym will be closed from 1130am-1230pm. Barbell Club is canceled.