Row / Bike 12/10cal or 200m Run E3MOM x 12min
(score is slowest time of the 4)
6 Rounds For Time: (30min cap)
24/20 Calorie Row / Bike or 400m Run
12 Hang Snatch 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55
12 Toes to Bar or WallBall Sit-ups 20/14lbs MRX 20/10lbs
Core & Snatch Development
24 Evil Wheels
24 Barbell or PVC Sotts Press (snatch grip)
24 Barbell Rows Snatch Width Grip
24 Barbell or PVC Sotts Press (snatch grip)
1min Bar Hang Snatch Width Grip
35min AMRAP:
400m run
rest 30 seconds between efforts

5am in the house…before anyone. Lookin good yall!
Love the 5am crew!
And such a fun 8am class this morning 💛
:52, :51, :49, :50 row
5+13 Rx, run, t2b
12 cal row e3mom x 4: :20, :18, :17, :17
20:44 rx (row & T2B)
5AM is best way to start the day 🫶🏼
A: slowest row :29
B: 25:35 RX- row, WB sit up
:21.7/:20.9/:20.6/:20.6 row
23:08 Rx run, T2B
A. :18 ( 18 // 15 // 15 / 15 )
B. 15:28 RX+ ( Row / T2B )
A. Row :29, :28, :28, :27
B. 19:52 RX+ row/T2B
22:22 rx row