WOD: A. In 12 minutes, build up to a 2RM power clean (must be touch and go) B. OPEN WOD 11/5: 20 minute AMRAP of: 5 power clean 145/100 (55 and over 130/75) 10 toes to bar 15 WBS 20/14 10’/9′ (55 and over 20/10 9′) C. Core and Shoulder Development: 1-2 rounds not for time: 200m walking see saw press with dumbbell 20 sit-ups 15/10 push-ups straight into 30 seconds high plank hold 20 V-ups CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: E2MOM x 6 sets -10 Arch/Hollow Rocks -0:30s Banded Running Drill
-Rest 5:00-
E4MOM x 5 sets
-12 Lateral Cone Jumps
-10 Jumping Lunges
-8 Heavy Russian Swings
-200m Sprint