800m Row/Run or 2k Bike For Time:
For Time: (35min cap)
800m Run/Row or 2k Bike
60 Pull-ups RX+Chest to Bar Pull-Ups MRX Ring Rows
800m Run/Row or 2k Bike
60 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kgs RX+32/24kgs MRX 20/12kgs
800m Run/Row or 2k Bike
60 WallBall Shots 20/14lbs to 10/9’ MRX 20/10 to 9’
800m Run/Row or 2k Bike
Core Development
25 One Arm Russian Kettlebell Swings
50 Flutter Kicks (2 count)
25 One Arm Russian Kettlebell Swings
50 Barbell or Banded Good Mornings
25 Reverse Rower Tucks
8 rounds of:
200m run x 3, rest 30 seconds between efforts
Rest 2 minutes between rounds