WOD: A. Thruster: In 5 minutes, build up to a 1RM thruster B. Masters and Teen CF Games WOD: “Long Chipper” For Time: 1000m run 25 power cleans 125/85 (55 and over 95/65) 25 box jump overs 24″/20″ (55 and over 18″/12″) 25 chest to bar pull-ups (55 and over chin over bar) 50 WBS 20/14 10′ (55 and over 20/10 9′) 25 chest to bar pull-ups (55 and over chin over bar) 25 box jump overs 24″/20″ (55 and over 18″/12″) 25 power cleans 125/85 (55 and over 95/65)