Congratulations to the newest members of the CFHSV Black Shirt Club and Green Team! 2017 Black Shirt Club Members: Will Dennis, Collin Parker, Jeremiah Rogers, Brandon Price, Ty Keenum, CJ Van Kampen, Zee Jones, Brent Brewer, Dustin Adair, Andrew Dodd, Tim Sargeant, Kyle Robinson, Jeremy Millich, Hayden Mahan 2017 Green Team Members: Colin Sargeant, George Cagle, Nikko Velasco, Sean Campos, Jay Burkhalter, Jamal Stoute, Maude Dull, Sara Byrd, Laura Cross WOD: A. Deadlifts: 6 Sets x 4-5 Reps – E2:30MOM B. 5 Rounds For Time 12 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 RX+ 32/24 (MRX 20/12) 10 Toes-to-Bar RX+ Strict Toes-to-Bar 8 HSPU RX+ 8 Parallette HSPU (MRX 2″/4″ rise) 6 Over-the-Bar Lateral Burpees 4 Deadlifts 315/215 RX+ 365/240 (MRX 255/165) C. Core Development 1-2 Rounds NOT for Time: 25 Wallball or Kettlebell Russian Twists 30sec Right Side Plank Hold 30sec Left Side Plank Hold 25 Weighted Sit-Ups (Abmat, Military, or GHD) 1min Low Plank Hold
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REMINDER: We will be hosting The Murph Challenge this Saturday, May 27th in honor of Memorial Day. All other classes are canceled on Saturday. We will be closed Sunday, May 28th and Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day. Have a safe and fun holiday weekend CFHSV!