Pause Back Squat E3MOM
5 sets X 5 reps @ 50-80%
(3sec pause in Bottom)
4 Rounds For Time: (20min cap)
200m Run/Row or 0.5k Bike
4 Overhead Squats 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55lbs
8 Front Squats
12 Deadlifts
Rest 2min after Each Round
7min Isometric EMOM Challenge:
Min 1 = Handstand Hold
Min 2 = Iron Chair Hold on Wall
Min 3 = Bar Hang/Hold
Min 4 = Barbell Hold Overhead
Min 5 = Hollow Hold
Min 6 = High Plank Hold
Min 7 = Low Plank Hold
must go straight from hold to next in order
Congratulations to our TWENTY CFHSV athletes who qualified for the Age Group Quarterfinals! These athletes’ Open performances placed them in the top 10% of their age group worldwide. Come out support them as they compete right here at home this Friday, March 31st – Sunday, April 2nd in the online Quarterfinals
Will Jones (14-15)
Mo Araiinejad (35-39)
Bradley Futch (35-39)
Melissa Bowen (40-44)
Jenn Clark (40-44)
Haley McCraw (40-44)
Nicki Plucket (40-44)
Mandee Stearns (40-44)
Kyle Findley (40-44)
John Lang (40-44)
Misty Capps (45-49)
Nathaniel Stearns (45-49)
Carolyn Derting (50-54)
LJ Ray (50-54)
Bill Carter (55-59)
Chris Holladay (55-59)
Paul McCrary (55-59)
Patty Miller (65+)
Jada Leo (65+)
Jeff Stanfield (65+)