Death by Strict Press (from floor) EMOM x 10min
1 rep 1st min, 2 reps 2nd min, 3 reps 3rd min… up to 10 reps at 10min
“Pick a Challenging weight, yet achievable”
“UnStitched” by DB
14min AMRAP:
7 Split Clean (alternate feet)
14 Calorie Row/Bike or 200m Run
7 Split Jerk (alternate feet)
49 CrossOvers
Barbell Weight = 135/95 RX+165/115 MRX 95/65lbs
Handstand Walk Development
10 SeeSaw Kettlebell/Dumbbell Strict Press
5 Wall Walks
10 Shoulder Taps Handstand on Wall
5 Attempts Handstand walk or 150ft Handstand Walk
100m Kettlebell Overhead Walk
CrossFit Huntsville will be hosting the Burgener Weightlifting Course this Saturday, July 27th and Sunday, July 28th. We will have ONE CLASS ONLY on Saturday at 7:30am. We will NOT have childcare. All other classes are cancelled on Saturday, and all classes as well as Open Gym are cancelled on Sunday.
Death by Strict Press @115
5+1 Rx+ (row)
A. 95 across
B. 3+4 scaled life (dus, 🏃♂️)
C. Basically Complete
115-got 5 reps on last 3 rounds
3+56 scaled row
Did regular cleans and jerks
A: 120 – got 6 reps in last round ( 49 of 55 reps)
B: 4+28 Rx (Run)
Death by strict press complete @ 105
4+19 @ 135 and crossovers, scaled to power clean and push jerk, row
I see one of the female Warriors of the Amazons decided to drop in our gym…. Oh, that is Julia !!
Pure stud of an athlete and just a great person 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
A. 115 across
B. 5+7 rx+ (row)
Fierce! I love this picture!!! Julia is a stud of an athlete and as nice as she is strong! She is a regular and puts in work all the time. She gets faster, stronger and more technical sound by the day. Julia, Keep showing us how it’s done!
5+22 Rx+ row