WOD: A. Strict Press: 6 – 4 – 2 – 1/2 – max reps E2:30MOM B. 15 minute AMRAP of: 30 double unders 1 squat clean 3 hang power clean 5 shoulder to overhead 225/155 or 205/140 or 185/125 or 155/105 or 135/95 or 115/80 or 95/65 or 85/60 **RULES** Use as heavy load as possible, but can only drop bar once during the 1-3-5 rep set. If you have to drop the bar more than once, lighten the load. Score = total rounds and reps and final load you finished with C. Core Development: 1-2 rounds not for time of: 25 V-ups 1 minute high plank hold 25 evil wheels Register for the CrossFit Open today and join the CrossFit Huntsville TEAM!