Remember only one class today at 9am. WEAR your Christmas colors or outfit if you like 🙂 WOD: The 12 Days of Christmas! 1 power snatch 95/65 2 thrusters 95/65 3 SDHP 95/65 4 barbell push ups 5 KBS 1.5/1 6 box jumps 24″/20″ 7 pull ups 8 T2B 9 WBS 20/14 10 DL 95/65 11 hang power clean 95/65 12 barbell burpees *Move through the workout using the same format as the song. Complete 1 power snatch, then 2 thrusters and 1 power snatch, then 3 SDHP, 2 thrusters and 1 power snatch… Time stops when you finish all 12 exercises!