“Team Turkey Time” by DB
For Time:
400m Turkey (WB) Run/Carry (team carries 1WB switching WB to partner as needed)
30 Alternating Partner Hand Release Push-Ups RX+ Handstand Push-Ups 30 Turkey Tosses Wallball Shots 20/14 to 10/9′ MRX 20/10 to 9′ (Partner 2 is in Plank Position)
30 Turkey Tosses (Partner 1 in Plank)
400m Partner Turkey (WB) Run/Carry
30 Alternating Partner Turkey/Burpee Toes to Bar
400m Turkey Tom (KB) Run/Carry (team carries 1KB switching to partner as needed)
30 Turkey Tom (Russian) Kettlebell Swings (Partner 2 is in Bottom of Gobler Squat w/wallball)
30 Turkey Tom (Russian) Kettlebell Swings (Partner 1 in bottom of Gobler Squat w/wallball)
400m Partner Turkey Tom (KB) Run/Carry
30 Alternating Partner Turkey/Burpee Pullups
30 Synchronized Turkey/Gobler Leg Lunges (alt legs/ Stationary) (1 holds the (WB) and the other the (KB))
*1 WB and 1 KB per Team*
REMINDER: TWO classes today at 915am and 1030am.
We will not have childcare.