WOD: A. Strict Press: 6 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 1 E2:30MOM B. For Time: 21 thrusters 95/65 (55 and over 75/55) 200m row 21 pull-ups 200m run 15 thrusters 95/65 (55 and over 75/55) 400m row 15 pull-ups 400m run 9 thrusters 95/65 (55 and over 75/55) 800m row 9 pull-ups 800m run Friday Night FIGHT! This Friday at 515pm! Arrive early to warm up. Sign up Black, Blue or Red on MBO. Childcare WILL be available from 5pm-730pm. Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week.Nov 23 To place an order, click here!