Team WOD Sprint Rounds 2min AMRAP Athlete 1 = 250m Row or 0.5k Bike / Athlete 2 = Max Hang Power Cleans & Shoulder to Overhead Rest 1min 2min AMRAP Athlete 2 = 250m Row or 0.5k Bike / Athlete 1 = Max Hang Power Cleans & Shoulder to Overhead Rest 1min 2min AMRAP Athlete 1 = 250m Row or 0.5k Bike / Athlete 2 = Max WallBall Shots Rest 1min 2min AMRAP Athlete 2 = 250m Row or 0.5k Bike / Athlete 1 = Max WallBall Shots Rest 1min 2min AMRAP Athlete 1 = 250m Row or 0.5k Bike / Athlete 2 = Max Rope Climbs 15′ or Burpee Toes to Bar Rest 1min 2min AMRAP Athlete 2 = 250m Row or 0.5k Bike / Athlete 1 = Max Rope Climbs 15′ or Burpee Toes to Bar Rest 1min Repeat all of the above **On AMRAPS, Starting Athlete has to complete Row/A-Bike, before athlete 2 can start for reps* ***Bar Loads = 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55 – Wallballs = 20/14lbs 10/9′ MRX 20/10 9′
REMINDER! Free Basic Nutrition Class this Saturday, May 19th at 9AM!