Hang Snatch Build Up — E2MOM
5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 1
Team WOD
For Time: (25min cap)
200 Double Unders and/or Crossovers
50 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups RX+ Muscle Ups (ring/bar) MRX Ring Rows
50 Over the Bar Burpees
50 Hang Snatch
50 Wallball Sit-ups RX+ GHD Wallball Sit-ups
*Find a partner & complete as many reps as possible in 1min, switching every minute, until you complete all reps; 1 works 1min, 1 rests 1min*
Barbell Weights = 95/65lbs RX+135/95 MRX 75/55lbs
Wallballs = 20/14lbs RX+20/14lbs MRX 20/10lbs
Team Core Development
-30 Partner Back to Back Twisting Wallball Hand Offs
-60 Synchronized 2 count Flutter Kicks
-30 High Plank Partner Alternating High Fives
– 1min Partner Back to Back Squat Hold
-30 Partner Passing WB Sit-ups
Join us to celebrate another successful OPEN at CFHSV THIS FRIDAY, March 21st!
8am-10am: Coffee and Donuts
5pm: Beer and Pizza
6pm: Live announcement from The Magic City Games! Come watch CFHSV athletes Alex Ankrom and CJ “Champ” Van Kampen throw down CFHSV style!
16:40 Rx+ with my boy Findlay
185 hang clean
16:18 scaled with Kohana
A: PS – 95(5)-115(4)-135(3)-155(2)-165-170
B: 8:47, RX/95#/DU, solo, work1min/rest1min
Splits –
100 DU = 0:57 (unbk)
25 c2b = 0:46 (23+2)
25 otbb = 0:57
25 hps = 0:54 (16+9)
25 wbsu = 0:47
A. 105(5)-125(4)-135(3)-145(2)-155(1)-165(1)
B. 17:12 Rx+ with Christian