Come support our CrossFit Huntsville Team at The Big NASTI Weightlifting Competition this Saturday, January 27th as our 2018 Team competes to defend our 2017 title!
CrossFit Protocol, Decatur — Starts shortly after 8am!
Gymnasty Cluster Development E2MOM Gymnasty 1 = 2-4 Strict HSPU to 3-6 Kip HSPU to 25′ Handstand Walk or 3 WallWalks Gymnasty 2 = 2-4 Bar MUs or 2-4 Strict C2B/Pull-ups to 4-8 Kipping C2B Pull-Ups to 6-10 Pull-ups Rest 2min **Repeat this 6min Circuit 2 more times for a total of 3 Circuits/18min** Team WOD “Tail Pipe” by Gym Jones 4 Rounds For Time of: Partner 1 – 250/200m Row or 0.6/0.5km Bike Partner 2 – KB Rack Hold 24/16kgs x 2 KBs RX+ 30/24 MRX 20/12 *Rules = P1 rows/bikes while P2 holds KBs in rack position (has to be in rack), then switch positions, Has to be in rack for row/bike to begin. Once both have completed row/bike = 1 round