Row/Bike 36/30cal or 600m Run
E6MOM x 12min (score is slowest time of the 2)
Open WOD 24.1
For Time: (15min cap)
21 Dumbbell Snatch Arm 1 50/35lbs MRX 35/20lbs
21 Over the Dumbbell Burpees
21 Dumbbell Snatch Arm 2
21 Over the Dumbbell Burpees
15 Dumbbell Snatch Arm 1
15 Over the Dumbbell Burpees
15 Dumbbell Snatch Arm 2
15 Over the Dumbbell Burpees
9 Dumbbell Snatch Arm 1
9 Over the Dumbbell Burpees
9 Dumbbell Snatch Arm 2
9 Over the Dumbbell Burpees
Core & Skill Development
21 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Turkish Get-ups Left Arm
21 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Russian Twists
21 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Turkish Get-ups Right Arm
21 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Sit-Ups