WOD DB’s Annual 12 Days of Christmas WOD! For time : -1 Power Snatch 95/65 MRX 75/55 -2 Thrusters 95/65 MRX 75/55 -3 SDHP 95/65 MRX 75/55 -4 Barbell Push Ups MRX Push Ups -5 KettleBell Swings 24/16kg MRX 20/12kg -6 Box Jumps 24/20″ MRX Step Ups okay -7 Pull Ups -8 Toes to Bar -9 Wall Ball Shots 20/14lbs 10′ MRX 20/10lbs 9′ -10 Deadlifts 95/65lbs MRX 75/55lbs -11 Hang Power Cleans 95/65 MRX 75/55 -12 Lateral Barbell Burpees Move through the workout using the same format as the song. 1 power snatch; then 2 thrusters, 1 power snatch; then 3 SDHP, 2 thrusters, 1 power snatch… REMINDER: Christmas Holiday Schedule Friday, 12/23: CFHSV Annual “12 Days of Christmas” WOD during all regularly scheduled classes Saturday, 12/24: 8AM, 9AM, and 10AM classes. Childcare IS available from 830AM-1115AM. Running & Endurance and Barbell Club are canceled. Sunday, 12/25: All classes canceled. Merry Christmas CFHSV! Monday, 12/26: Two classes at 1030AM and 1130AM only. Childcare IS available from 1015AM-1145AM. All other classes are canceled.