Bench Press — E3MOM find a 3RM
9 – 6 – 3 – 3 – 3
Start on a 4 minute clock: Complete:
10 Over the Bar Burpees
10 Power Clean
20 Push-ups
10 Hang Clean
(Rest remainder of the time, can’t start until 4min)
Add 4 minutes: 4:00-8:00 clock: Complete:
15 Over the Bar Burpees
15 Power Clean
30 Push-ups
15 Hang Clean
(Rest remainder of the time, can’t start until 8min)
Complete for time: (capped at 16:00 mark)
20 Over the Bar Burpees
20 Power Clean
40 Push-ups
20 Hang Clean
BB WTs = 155/105. RX+ 185/125. MRX 115/75
Core Development:
2 x 10 Wt Plate G2O 55/45. 45/35. 35/25
2 x 15 KB/WB Russian Twists
2 x 20 Ball Slams (*with Slam Ball) or 20 cal Ski Erg
2 x 15 KB/WB Russian Twists
2 x 10 Wt Plate G2O 55/45. 45/35. 35/25
A. 135-155-185-205-225(x)
B. 2+27 scaled life (time capped)
C. 🎒
2+70 scaled
A] 135(9)-165(6)-200(3)-230(3)-240(2)
B] 1+24 Rx [time capped in 2nd round]
185-225-255-275-300 of
15:58 rx
1+61 rx (capped in 2nd 4 min window)
2 + 91 rx
At home
A. 215
B. 15:50 rx
A. 285
B. 14:24 RX
( 1:40 // 3:24 // 6:24 )
A. 145
B. 15:39 RX
Love these strong ladies of the 915! Always lots of laughs to go along with some impressive fitness.
15:54 rx
1 + 34 Rx (That was ROUGH 😂😂)
A. 170
B. 15:25 Rx
A: 135(9)-170(6)-205(3)-230(3)-no spot so dropped back to 205(3)
B: 2+62, RX (2:00/3:59/DNF)
15:37 rx+