Power Snatch & Hang Power Snatch E2MOM
4 Power Snatch – 4 Hang Power Snatch
2 Power Snatch – 2 Hang Power Snatch
1 Power Snatch – 1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Power Snatch – 1 Hang Power Snatch
Team WOD
“Your Turn, My Turn” by DB
18min AMRAP:
2 Power Snatch 115/75 RX+ 135/95 MRX 95/65
3 Hang Power Snatch
4 Pull-Ups RX+Chest to Bar MRX Ring Rows
5 Box Jumps 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ MRX 20/18″
*Compare to Jan 25, 2024; Jan 20, 2023; Jan 14, 2022*
One person works and completes a full round, one person rests and then switches. *Athletes must slap hands to switch and start next round. Each time an individual completes a round it counts as a round for the team total.*
Core & Snatch Development
-2×15 Right Knee to Left Elbow Plank Tucks
-2×10 Barbell or PVC Sotts Press (snatch grip)
-2×15 Left Knee to Right Elbow Plank Tucks
-2×15 Evil Wheels
A. 115-115-135-135-155-155-165(x)-165(x)
B. 24+5 rx w/ Big Dan Guy
C. 📚
10+9 rx
16+3 RX+ with Lewie Lew
Power snatch: 95(4)-135(2)-185-205 (squat)
Hang Power Snatch: 115(4)-155(2)-175-195 (squat)
28+3 rx with Misty
1/20/23: 1 round e2mom rx
1/14/22: 20 rx+ with Big Kyle
A.155 Hang 175 Power
B. 22 + 3 with Brandi (RX/RX+)
Round two at open gym
B. 28+3 Misty and CJ rx
14 + 11 w/ Hunter
then 6 rnd solo RX+
That box done took em out!
27+6 rx w/ Abby (prego scale)
26+6 scaled w/Freeman
Sean went Rx+
I scaled snatch to 70lb DB (2 power into 3 hang power) left arm only, strict pull-ups, 30” BJ
I love this picture because it shows what a total stud this man is! Jeff is the real deal, and his fitness is both impressive and inspiring. He is super strong and clearly he’s got skills too. He’s a man of many talents, an avid traveler, and an all around great man. Looking good, Jeff!
30 rounds RX with my favorite guy 🩵
18+7 with Doug
A. 135 x 4, 135 x 4, 155 x 2, 155 x 2, 165 x 1, 165×1
B. 20 + 9 Rx/Rx+ with Mo (thanks for the push brother)
A. 155
B. 26+13 Rx+ with Christian
A: PS – 95(4)-135(2)-155-170
HPS – 115(4)-145(2)-165-170
B: 17 rds, RX (solo, work:rest ≈ 1:1)