“Team WOD”
33min AMRAP:
P1 = 11 Hang Cleans *slap hands
P2 = 11 Push-Ups *slap hands
P1 & P2 = 22 Box Jump Overs (alternating)
P1 & P2 = 33 Wallball Shots (synchronized)
P2 = 11 Hang Cleans *slap hands
P1 = 11 Push-Ups *slap hands
P2 & P1= 22 Box Jump Overs (alternating)
P2 & P1 = 33 Wallball Sit-Ups (alternating)
Barbell Loads = 135/95 RX+165/115 MRX 95/65lbs
Box Heights = 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ MRX 20/18″
Wallballs = 20/14lbs to 10/9′ MRX 20/10 to 9′
Team Core Development
30 High Plank Partner Alternating High Fives
1min Partner Back to Back Squat Hold
2×15 Weight Plate Bench Press
2×15 Band Pull-Apart
2×15 DB/KB Bench Press
Three classes only today! 8am, 9am, and 10am.
We do not have childcare today.
Fleming is a strong, consistent, hard charging master. She is as nice as they come and her sense of humor will keep you laughing!
Fleming!! Anyone who knows her, knows she is always a person you want to see in your class at CFHSV. She’ll challenge and push you, keep you laughing & always gives Nate a hard time when he’s coaching! 😆
4+122 rx w/ Michael S
5+75 RX+ w/ Mandee
5+13 rx with Bradley
4+106 rx+ with Nathaniel and Kyle F