20min AMRAP:
5 Handstand Push-Ups MRX 2/4″ rise or Hand Release Push-Ups
10 Pistols (alt legs) MRX 10 Lunges (alt legs)
15 Pull-ups
5 Rounds For Time: (40min cap)
20 Handstand Push-Ups MRX 2/4″ rise or Hand Release Push-Ups
40 Pull-ups
60 Pistols, alt legs MRX 60 Lunges (alt legs)
Core & Handstand Development
50ft Handstand Walk or 5 WallWalks
100ft Bear Crawl
1min High Plank Hold
1min Low Plank Hold
100ft Bear Crawl
50ft Handstand Walk or 5 WallWalks
We WILL have classes at 7am, 815am, 915am, and 1130am, as well as Open Gym from 10:15am-11:30am.
All other classes canceled. No childcare today.