“Fight Gone Bad”
3 Rounds for Reps/Cals of:
1min WallBall Shots 20/14lbs to 10’ MRX 20/10 to 9’
1min Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 75/55lbs MRX 65/45
1min Box Jumps 20” MRX 18”
1min Push Press
1min Row
1min Rest
*can open hips on box jumps and jump off*
Core Isometrics
1min L-sit Hold (rings/parallettes)
30sec Plank Bird Dog Hold Left/Right
1min Hollow Hold
30sec Plank Bird Dog Hold Right/Left
1min Squat Hold 1” over WallBall
1min Bar Hang
1min High Plank Hold
419 Rx (PR)
2023 – 374 Rx
WBS – 30/30/27
SDHP – 33/26/26
BJ – 25/22/21
PP – 40/40/40
Row – 21/17/21
A. 😀
B. 🎒
Happy to be back
317 rx
9/11/23 334 rx
9/6/21: 319 rx
11/14/16: 295 rx
5/26/15: 259 rx
310 Rx
332 rx
370 rx
372 rx