“The Christopher Columbus Chipper”
For Time: (30min cap)
14 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55
14 Hang Power Snatch
14 Overhead Squats
14 Push-Ups
500m Nina Row or 1.2k Bike **Add cargo/weight**
14 Over the Bar Burpees
14 Power Cleans 115/75 RX+135/95 MRX 95/65
14 Thrusters
500m Pinta Row or 1.2k Bike **Add cargo/weight**
14 Deadlifts 135/95 RX+ 155/105 MRX 115/75
14 Hang Power Cleans
14 Front Squats
14 Shoulder to Overhead
500m SantaMaria Row or 1.2k Bike **Add cargo/weight**
14 Chest to Bar RX+ 14 Bar Muscle Ups MRX 14 Pull-Ups
92 Double-Unders
3 Ground to Overhead 155/105 RX+ 185/125 MRX 135/95
Flexibility Development
1min Couch Stretch or Modified Couch
1min Head to Floor Straddle Stretch
1min Banded Shoulder Stretches
1min Pigeon/Swan/Piriformis Stretch
1min Chinese Splits
1min American Splits
Love Janet! She is so strong and she doesn’t even know it. She’s also a great friend and encourager!
Janet!! My extra credit partner in crime! Love working out with you and love how you encourage all of us!!
Wow, looking great, Janet! Love the arms!
Janet is a hard working and consistent Crossfitters who is very sweet and kind. Keep up the great work Janet!
20:52 Rx+ (row)
Go Janet!! Look at those arms! You are stronger than you realize! Little Mighty Mouse you are! Love seeing you at 9 am!😍
A. 27:27 rx 🚴♂️
B. 🎒
28:35 Rx+ (Row)
31:50 rx+ (row; got no business doing rx+)
30:29 rx+
10/10/22: 25:03 scaled (rx weights but accidentally did hang power clean instead of hang power snatch; so I did power snatch from the floor instead of power cleans from the floor to make it right 🙃)
10/12/20: 30:42 rx+
10/8/18: 3+92 rx+
30:29 rx+ was in 2023
27:48 rx+
20:46 Scaled
Scaled dubs to 1k Bike
RX+ Weight, Row, BMU, barbell push ups
10/9/23: 24:58 RX+
24:48 RX+
20:33 rx+
24:07 Rx
26:42 rx (row)
you are so strong my friend! you look amazing Janet!
10/12/2024 Workout –
Time = 25:01, RX (Bike/BW=182#, 185#DL)