Clean & Jerk (Squat or Power) E2MOM (Touch and Go on Multiple Rep Sets)
5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 1
Team WOD
“Taking Turns” by DB
20min AMRAP:
20 Clean & Jerks
20 Burpee Toes to Bar
120 Doubles (4 sets of 30, 2 each)
20 Partner Passing Wallball Sit-ups 20lbs MRX 14lbs
Barbell Weights = 155/105 RX+185/125 MRX 115/75
**Taking Turns is a you go, I go format, 1rep alternating at a time, except on Double Unders (30 each x2); On Clean & Jerks bar must touch floor, before next rep, on Burpee Toes to Bar person’s feet must touch floor, before next rep**
Core Development
2×10 Weight Plate Ground to Overhead 55/45 45/35 35/25
2×20 Band Pull-Aparts
100m Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry/Walk
2×10 GHD Sit-ups
100m Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry
2×10 Hip Extensions
1 attempt Max Barbell or Handstand Hold
A. 135-155-185-205-225(x)
B. 😀 (rx w/ Michael until my emergency restroom break)
C. Complete
Danielle locked out and looking strong! This lady is a well rounded athlete who moves well and makes an effort to focus on her form. Beautiful shot of a solid CrossFitter. Keep it up, Danielle! 🙂
A. 105 – 115- 125 – 135 – 155 – 165
B. 4 + 20 RX with Kyle F and Tyler C
3+9 with Kyle R
3+14 rx w/ Adam
A. 105-125-145-165-185-205
B. 3+87 Rx+ with Cherokee
A: 115(5)-135(4)-155(3)-185(2)-210-225
B: 3+10, solo/155#
– 10 c&j, 10 burpee t2b, 2×30 du, 20 wb sit-ups; tried to rest as if I had a partner.
3+ 23 Scaled w/ Mama
155/85 / Scaled dubs to bike
B. 4 + 20 rx sold my soul on this one.. with Mandy and Kyle Findlay